The 2018 Spring Meeting of the Broadband Commission was held in Kigali, Rwanda on 6-7 May at the invitation of H.E. Mr Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda and Mr Mats Granryd Director General of GSMA.
During the two-day event Commissioners had a chance to discuss and interact during onsite sessions of the four Broadband Commission Working Groups on Sunday, 6 May (Vulnerable Countries, Epidemic Preparedness, Digital Entrepreneurship, and Digital Health). This working day was followed by a full-day meeting of the Commission on Monday, 7 May.
The 2018 Spring Meeting comes on the heels of the release by the Commission of its new 2025 Targets, which seek to fast-track the digital connectivity of the millions worldwide that remain unconnected.
This year’s meeting took place in conjunction with the Transform Africa Summit 2018 from 7-10 May. The event is built on the basis of 5 pillars that reflect the principles of the Smart Africa Manifesto, which are: Policy, Access, e-Government, Private sector/entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development. To support the implementation of the Pillars, they were built on four enablers: Innovation, Communications and advocacy, Capacity building and Resource mobilization.
The event’s main purpose, through these pillars and enablers is to contribute to economic growth and job creation throughout the continent.
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