
Featured Research and Reports

21st Century Financing Models for Bridging Broadband Connectivity Gaps

The Working Group for 21st Century Financing and Funding Models for Sustainable Broadband Development was established as a cross-sector group of thought-leaders with representation from national regulatory authorities, telecommunications operators, financial institutions, trade associations, academics and not-for-profit development organizations operating under the auspices of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development.

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The State of Broadband 2021: People Centred Approaches for Universal Broadband

Despite progress on Internet access and adoption, more effort is needed to ensure success and concrete movement towards the global 2030 targets. Additional investment and inclusive, open partnerships can advance progress towards universal broadband – which in turn will accelerate economic growth, help alleviate poverty, impact social development, and address

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Connecting Learning Spaces: Possibilities for Hybrid Learning

Promotional Toolkit to support the report: Trello The Working Group Report on Digital Learning introduces a range of factors that should be in place in order for hybrid learning to be a viable option for students, requiring deliberate planning, informed decision-making and substantial investment. It addresses considerations for accessing hybrid

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The State of Broadband 2020: Tackling Digital Inequalities

This year’s State of Broadband Report reflects the realities of 2020 as the world has confronted a global pandemic that has disrupted Global and local economies, healthcare systems, education and most pertinently brought to the forefront the crucial role that broadband plays in connecting the world and keeping societies strong

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