Featured Research and Reports

5th Conference on Least Developed Countries (LDC5) Open Statement
The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development addresses this Open Statement to the 5th United Nations Conference of the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) convening every 10 years and held in 2022 at a critical time, as the final decade of action for the 2030 agenda gathers pace.

Quick Guide: 2025 Broadband Advocacy Targets
The seven Advocacy Targets of the Broadband Commission reflect ambitious and aspirational goals and function as a policy and programmatic guide for national and international action in broadband development. Starting initially with four connectivity goals established in 2011, the Targets were expanded to five in 2013, with the addition of the gender equality goal, and eventually to seven in 2018.

Year in Review 2022
In our Year in Review, we recap the Commission’s advocacy and thought leadership efforts in 2022

Strategies Towards Universal Smartphone Access Report
The report, ‘Strategies towards universal smartphone access’ by the Broadband Commission Working Group on Smartphone Access represents the first multi-stakeholder analysis on the topic of smartphone access.

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation: Competencies for Civil Servants
Written by the Broadband Commission Working Group on AI Capacity Building, the Working Group Report introduces a competency framework for civil servants, spelling out the Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation Competencies needed today.

The State of Broadband Report 2022
The State of Broadband 2022 examines how COVID-19 has spotlighted the need for a multilateral, collaborative regulatory regime to advance global digital transformation.

The Transformative Potential of Data for Learning: Interim Report
The interim report on data for learning explores the potential of harnessing the transformative potential of data to improve educations systems.

Transforming Education Summit 2022 Open Statement
The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development is aligned with the objectives of TES and recognizes the critical roles of digital connectivity, capacity and content in transforming education and lifelong learning systems. Since 2010, the Commission has developed a multitude of collaborative and impactful policy recommendations for connecting schools to the Internet and digitalizing education to enable a more inclusive and sustainable approach to learning.

Recommendations of the Broadband Commission on SDG4: Quality Education
A compilation of actionable recommendations for achieving SDG4 through connectivity, based on desk research of the Broadband Commission outcome reports.

The Future of Virtual Health and Care
The Broadband Commission Working Group on Virtual Health and Care was launched to examine virtual health and care in context of the COVID-19 pandemic: the trends, forecasts, key role of policy in influencing adoption, challenges, and ways of overcoming them. Co-chaired by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO,