
Featured Research and Reports

Harnessing the Internet of Things for Global Development

This report explores the current use and potential of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in tackling global development challenges, highlighting a number of specific instances where IoT interventions are helping to solve some of the world’s most pressing issues. It presents summary conclusions on what is required for the IoT

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Working Together to Connect the Next 1.5 Billion by 2020, WEF 2016

Report on the Special Session of the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum   The third Special Session of the Broadband Commission at the World Economic Forum was co-organized with partners from the World Economic Forum, and sponsored by the Ministry

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davos 2016

Working Together to Connect the World by 2020, Davos 2016

Reinforcing Connectivity Initiatives for Universal and Affordable Access: A Discussion Paper to Partners Working to Connect the World   ICT technologies present unprecedented opportunities for advancing inclusive growth. Nevertheless, there are still large gaps in connectivity mainly due to the lack of effective policies, corresponding tools and investment. Filling these

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Cyber Violence against Women and Girls: A world-wide wake-up call

The main objective of this Discussion Paper is to call attention to emerging trends and to start discussions on the implications of these trends on efforts to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women in the digital age. This paper recognizes the wide array of issues related to ‘cyber-violence’

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Broadband Policy Briefing Paper

This document is a briefing paper on broadband policy measures and recommendations to support the deployment of broadband and access to the digital economy. The paper highlights what governments and national regulatory authorities (NRAs) can do to foster broadband roll-out and take-up, and provides a difficulty/impact assessment framework of the

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The State of Broadband 2014: Broadband for All

The Broadband Commission for Digital Development aims to promote the adoption of effective broadband policies and practices for achieving development goals, so everyone can benefit from the advantages offered by broadband. Through this Report, the Broadband Commission seeks to raise awareness and enhance understanding of the importance of broadband networks,

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