
Featured Research and Reports

Broadband for the Global Good: Broadband Leadership Summit

This report summarizes the key outcomes and conclusions emerging from the Broadband Leadership Summit. The Broadband Leadership Summit at ITU Telecom World 2011 took place from 24 to 25 October 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Summit which was co-hosted by ITU Telecom and the Broadband Commission for Digital Development convened

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Working Group on Broadband and Science: Final Report

Broadband connectivity has become a basic infrastructure of modern society, just like roads, electricity or water. Science and education communities depend on “e-Infrastructures” that build on broadband connectivity to provide online services supporting the communities’ work. Not only have these services today become indispensable, they have also transformed the scientific

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The State of Broadband 2011: ​A Platform for Progress

Published in June 2011, presenting country case studies and containing information on financing models, returns on investment, technology choices and strategies for deployment across a range of different types of economies. ​The report, entitled Broadband: A Platform for Progress, argues: “To optimize the benefits to society, broadband should be coordinated

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E-Government and PPPs: The Lapland Statement; Joint Issues Paper

Governments are using ICT to provide services between government agencies and citizens, businesses, employees and nongovernmental agencies. E-Government initiatives in developing countries are not only struggling with a lack of financial resources and incentive design, but also with restricted skills and capacity within the governments. An increasing number of initiatives

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