Advocacy Document

Year in Review 2023

December 11, 2023

As we reflect on the accomplishments of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development in 2023, it is evident that our shared commitment to harnessing the power of connectivity for global progress remains unwavering. With the 2023 SDG Summit measuring progress, only a fraction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are on track at the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda. The world is in a race to achieve these Global Goals and transformative digital technologies have the potential to play a catalytic role in accelerating action for the global community.

The Broadband Commission continues to champion the imperative of making universal meaningful connectivity a reality for all. In 2023, the Commission again stressed the need for a concerted effort to ensure that people around the world are not only connected, but that they also have the skills and knowledge to use that connectivity. Innovative investment models bringing together private and public stakeholders to deliver meaningful access and content to those most in need, were also in the focus of the Commission’s advocacy work in 2023.

Throughout this year, the Commission released a series of collaborative publications and actively contributed insights to global events and initiatives. These publications embody evidence-based viewpoints and offer actionable recommendations to all stakeholders, aiming to facilitate positive change and empower communities through the transformative potential of broadband for the greater good.

As we draw the curtains on 2023, another year filled with enriching discussions, impactful reports and the formation of cross-sectoral partnerships is anticipated. These initiatives are pivotal to achieve the 2025 Advocacy Targets and to contribute to major milestones of the international digital cooperation leading up to 2030.

The collaborative spirit and dedication demonstrated by each Member of the Commission fuel the collective mission to create a more connected, sustainable, and inclusive world. Together, let us embark on the journey that lies ahead, confident that our shared vision of a connected and sustainable future will continue to guide our endeavors.

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Date published: December 11, 2023

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