Working Group on

How can we ensure multilingualism and multicultural diversity are considered while shaping the future of broadband?

The Broadband Commission for Digital Development established a Working Group on Multilingualism in 2011, the year after the Commission’s founding. Chaired by H.E. Adama Samassékou, President of the International Council of Philosophy & Human Science, the Working Group on Multilingualism (WG-M) made a number of recommendations to ensure that multilingualism and multicultural diversity would be taken into account in shaping the future of broadband and our online world.

The Working Group issued a call for a Ministerial Conference on Multilingualism in 2013, as well as a UN General Assembly Decision on World Summit on Multilingualism in 2014, and a World Summit on Multilingualism in 2017, with a Summit Preparatory process beforehand.     

The Way Forward

Conclusions and Recommendations

The Working Group on Multilingualism aimed to promote principles of multilingualism and multi-cultural diversity by considering the following questions:     

  • To what extent the language question is considered as an important factor for achieving the MDGs and how the Broadband Commission could take this factor into account during its deliberations?   
  • Which are technical and political solutions to ultimately ensure a multilingual broadband Internet and a democratized digital culture for every citizen of the world? 
  • How can broadband facilitate the preservation and development of global cultural diversity?    
  • How could we raise awareness, particularly through the Internet, about vital importance of multilingualism for global governance and the safeguarding of humanity?
  • How could a World Summit on Multilingualism contribute to the promotion and respect of linguistic and cultural diversity in the world, as well as the attainment of the MDGs and peace in the world?  

The Working Group Model

Composition and Activities

WG-M held its inaugural meeting in Paris on 5 June to define the scope and purpose of its activities.

Focus Area


H.E. Adama Samassékou 
President of the International Council of Philosophy and Human Science

Broadband Advocacy Targets