Working Group on
Data Governance

How can governments promote sustainable development through effective, equitable data governance?

In an era where data is a crucial asset, how can governments promote sustainable development through effective, equitable, and inclusive data governance that ensures privacy, security, and trust?

The Working Group on “Data Governance in the Digital Age” was launched at the 2024 Spring Meeting of the Broadband Commission. This group focuses on creating forward-thinking policy solutions for governing data amid digital and AI revolutions. It addresses the fragmented landscape of data governance frameworks, which complicates data flows and hinders global collaboration. The group aims to develop strategies that ensure privacy and security, promote equity and inclusion, and support AI governance, ultimately contributing to sustainable development and international cooperation.

The group plans to develop a comprehensive Data Governance Policy Framework, featuring policy guidance, best practices, and an implementation guide designed for governments, ICT ministries, and national regulatory bodies.

Operating through a multistakeholder approach, the group involves commissioners from various sectors and external researchers to ensure diverse and comprehensive policy recommendations.

Stay tuned for more updates.

The Working Group Model

Composition and Activities