Founded in 2010, The Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development has had the privilege to work with over one hundred esteemed Commissioners who have helped shape the work and outcomes of the Commission as well as the state of broadband worldwide.
We would like to express our continued gratitude for their hard work and commitment to sustainable and equitable broadband development.
- H.E. Prof. Dr Ali M. Abbasov, Republic of Azerbaijan
- Mr. Gyan Chandra Acharya, UN-OHRLLS
- H.E. Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammed Bin Saud Al Thani, Ooredoo
- Mr. César Alierta, Telefónica
- Dr. Saad zafer Alkahtani, Telcotank Consulting Company
- Mr. Andrus Ansip, European Commission
- Ms. Irina Bokova, Co-Vice Chair, UNESCO
- Prof. Gloria Bonder, Latin American Postgraduate Institute of Social Sciences (FLACSO)
- Dr. Vanu Bose, Vanu INC
- Mr. Giancarlo Innocenzi Botti, Invitalia
- Dr. Anne Bouverot, GSMA
- Mr. Paul Budde, Managing Director BuddeComm
- Dr. Kathy Calvin, UN Foundation
- H.E. Mr Victor Calvo-Sotelo, Spain
- Dr. Moez Chakchouk, Focal Point, UNESCO
- Mr John Chambers, Cisco
- Mr Jean-Yves Charlier, VEON Ltd.
- Dato’ Ir. (Dr.) Lee Yee Cheong, UNESCO-ISTIC
- Mr. Marcin Cichy, Poland
- Ms Helen Clark, UNDP
- Mr. Peter Cleveland, Intel Corporation
- Mr Michel Combes, Alcatel-Lucent
- H.E. Senator Stephen Conroy, Commonwealth of Australia
- H.E. Dr Siyabonga Cyprian Cwele, Republic of South Africa
- Mr John Davies, Intel Corporation
- Mr Edouard Dayan, Universal Postal Union
- Ms. Milagros Del Corral, National Library of Spain
- Ms. Ingrid Del Tenre, European Broadcasting Union
- Mr. Cheick S. Diarra, United Nations
- H.E. Dr. Pichet Durongkaveroj, Thailand
- H.E. Mr. Ricardo Ehrlich, Oriental Republic of Uruguay
- Mr. Börje Ekholm, Ericsson Group
- Ms. Henrietta H. Fore, UNICEF
- H.E. Ambassador Walter Fust, Swiss Development Corporation (SDC)
- Mr. John Galvin, Intel Corporation
- Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael, Ethiopia
- Mr. Scott Gegenheimer, Zain
- Mr. Julius Genachowski, The Carlyle Group
- Ms Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank
- Ms Arancha González, ITC
- Mr. Gordon G. Graylish, Intel Corporation
- H.E. Mr Ramin Guluzade, Republic of Azerbaijan
- Mr. Angel Gurria, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- Mr. Francis Gurry, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- Dr. Chang-Gyu Hwang, KT Corporation
- Dr. Hyeonmo Ku, KT Corporation
- Dr. Mo Ibrahim, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
- Mr. Ivo Ivanoski, Republic of Macedonia
- Dr. Paul Jacobs, Qualcomm
- Mr A. Reza Jafari, E-Development International
- Mr. Wang Jianzhou, China Mobile Communications Corporation
- Mr. In-Kyu Kim, Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union
- Dr. Seang-Tae Kim, Sungkyunkwan University
- Mr. Robert Kirkpatrick, UN Global Pulse
- Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, UNCTAD
- Mr. Boris Koprivnikar, Republic of Slovenia
- V.P. Neelie Kroes, European Commission
- Mr. Anthony Lake, UNICEF
- Mr. Bruno Lanvin, INSEAD
- Dr. Suk-Chae Lee, Republic of Korea
- Prof. Dr Klaus M. Leisinger, Foundation Global Values Alliance
- Mr. Keng Thai Leong, Singapore
- Ms. Suvi Lindén, European Commission
- Mr. Adrian Lovett, World Wide Web Foundation
- Mr. Pekka Lundmark, Nokia
- Mr. Mark MacGann, VEON Ltd.
- Dr. Nasser Mohammed Marafih, Ooredoo Group
- H.E. Dr Fred Matiang’i, Kenya
- Ms. Jasna Matic, WitNet Chair and Founder
- Mr. Philipp Metzger, Swiss Federal Office of Communications
- Mr. Paul Mitchell, Microsoft
- Mr. Luis Alberto Moreno, IADB
- Prof. Romain Murenzi, The World Academy of Sciences
- Prof. Burton LM Mwamila, The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Arusha Tanzania
- Mr. Jay Naidoo, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
- H.E. Ms. Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, South Africa
- H.E. Ms. Khumbudzo P. S. Ntshavheni, South Africa
- Dr. Speranza Ndege, Kenyatta University
- H.E. Youssou N’Dour , Republic of Senegal
- Prof. Nicholas Negroponte, MIT Media Lab
- Mr. Phuthuma Nhleko, MTN GROUP
- H.E. Mr Nikolay Nikiforov, The Russian Federation
- Ms. Catherine A. Novelli, U.S. Department of State
- Mr. Patrick Nyirishema, Focal Point, RURA
- H.E. Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRDA
- Mr. Günther H. Oettinger, European Commisson
- H.E. Prof. Naana Jane Opoku – Agyemang, Ministry of Education (Ghana)
- Mr. Ayala Orlando, Microsoft
- Dr. Armen Orujyan, Athgo Corporation
- H.E. Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, Ghana
- H.E. Safuneituuga Paaga Neri, Independent State of Samoa
- Mr. Esteban Pacha-Vicente, International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO)
- Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi, UNCTAD
- Mr. Rupert Pearce, Inmarsat
- H.E. Dr Jernej Pikalo, Slovenia
- Dr. Sam Pitroda, Republic of India
- H.E. Ms Anusha Rahman Khan, Pakistan
- Mr. Mauricio Ramos, Millicom
- Mr. Courtenay Rattray, UN-OHRLLS
- Mr. Nick Read, Vodafone
- Mr. Stéphane Richard, Orange
- Mr. Chuck Robbins, Cisco
- Mr. Christian Roisse, EUTELSAT IGO
- H.E. Jessica Rosenworcel, FCC
- Dr. Joanna Rubenstein, World Childhood Foundation
- Dr. Abdulaziz Bin Salem Al Ruwais, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Atty. Rodolfo A. Salalima, Philippines
- H.E. Mr. Adama Samassékou, International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IBPHS)
- H.E. Mr. Roberto Sánchez, Spain
- Mr. Jean-Louis Schlitz, Schiltz & Schiltz
- Mr. Rob Shuter, MTN
- Mr. Stephen Spengler, Intelsat
- Sir. Martin Sorrell, WPP
- Mr. Andrew Sullivan, ISOC
- Mr. Rajeev Suri, Inmarsat
- Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Republic of India
- H.E. Mr Masahiko Tominaga, Japan
- Mr. José Manuel Do Rosario Toscano, International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO)
- Dr. Hamadoun Touré, Co-Vice Chair, ITU
- H.E. Mr Malcolm Bligh Turnbull, Australia
- Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa ‘Utoikamanu, UN-OHRLLS
- Mr. Sunny Varkey, GEMS Education
- Mr. Ben Verwaayen, Alcatel-Lucent
- H.E. Ms. Makiko Yamada, MIC
- Professor Muhammad Yunus, Yunus Centre
- Mr. Houlin Zhao, ITU
- H.E. Ambassador Sha Zukang, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs