Empowering educators with digital tools and skills to further impact students’ lives

Millicom (Tigo) is committed to building digital highways that connect people, improve lives, and develop communities. During the last two years, its program Maestr@s Conectad@s has been an essential part of fulfilling this mission- a way for people to access tools and platforms that will make their day-to-day life better and will empower communities through connectivity. 

In October 2022, Tigo hosted the second edition of the Maestr@s Conectad@s Latin America Congress: a live virtual event which engaged and certified 22,371 teachers from 23 countries. The program reached well beyond the academic community since more than 46,800 people registered to the event, including parents and caregivers. The event featured 16 international education experts who focused on topics such as educational challenges in the region, integration of technology, and skills 4.0 in the classrooms, among others.

Maestr@s Conectad@s is a leading social impact program within the company’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) strategy, offering teachers free access to online learning modules to build their digital literacy; and since its launch in 2020, over 450,000 educators have been successfully trained in the countries where Tigo operates. The program was created to strengthen digital education systems that had been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and was designed to reduce the digital divide. Its contents initially consisted of online training which prepared educators including teachers, school administrators, and others, to understand and to use digital tools to improve educational quality.

In June 2022, Tigo announced the launch of the Maestr@s Conectad@s web-based app, containing a catalog of 20 free courses developed in collaboration with AHYU, an international organization focused on educational content. Course topics include digital tools, PowerPoint, Canva, Zoom, educational innovation, storytelling, gamification, use of social networks, digital tools for the classroom, and neuroeducation, interactive classes with digital boards, Social Media for Learning, Whatsapp Learning, among others.

Teachers play a vital role in the communities where Tigo operates, and its goal is to reduce the digital divide by providing online training to strengthen digital learning skills for educators across the world, enabling them to reach broader communities of students, and making education more accessible.

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