Broadband Commission hosts Information Briefing for NY/Geneva Missions

On Dec 13, over 100 representatives from Permanent Missions to the United Nations in both New York and Geneva, as well as various UN organizations, attended the Broadband Commission’s virtual briefing

This 45 minute information session introduced the Broadband Commission and presented the outcomes of this year’s achievements, including progress on the Commission’s seven advocacy targetsWorking Group Reports, the Annual State of Broadband Report, and related publications like the ITU 2021 Facts and Figures Report.

Speakers included Mr. Houlin ZhaoSecretary-General of ITU & Co-Vice Chair of the Broadband Commission, H.E. Ms. Paula IngabireMinister of ICT & Innovation of Rwanda & Focal Point to the Broadband Commission, Mr. Courtenay RattrayUnder-Secretary General, High Representative for UN OHRLLS & Broadband Commissioner, Ms. Doreen Bogdan MartinDirector of ITU Development Bureau & Executive Director of the Broadband Commission, Dr. Tawfik JelassiAssistant Director-General for Communication and Information of UNESCO & Focal Point to the Broadband Commission, and Mr. Bocar BaCEO of SAMENA Telecommunications Council & Broadband Commissioner

Speakers shared real-world examples of Broadband Commission policy recommendations in action, emphasizing the importance of digital cooperation, and provided the audience with relevant resources for engaging with the Commission. 

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Broadband Commissioners at WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024

The WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event, taking place from 27 to 31 May 2024, celebrated two decades of remarkable progress since the inception of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The agenda for the WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event featured a diverse lineup of esteemed panelists, including several Broadband Commissioners, all coming together to shape the future of global digital cooperation.


Guest article by Millicom shares launch of new Educacion conTigo platform

To advance Broadband Commission Target 4 on Digital skills, Millicom (Tigo) has launched its digital platform The platform combines two of Millicom’s flagship digital education programs, Conectadas and Maestr@s Conectad@s, into one location where users will have access to free education tools.