How Broadband Commissioners are using ICTs to empower women – Millicom’s Conectadas program

This article was contributed by Commissioner Mauricio Ramos, of Millicom

The objective of Conectadas program is to educate young and adult women – both professionals and non-professionals – about technology, the internet, and its basic, intermediate and advanced uses to contribute to closing the digital gender gap. The goal is to empower women through the use of mobile technology and all the opportunities connectivity can bring to their personal and professional growth.

The journey of the Conectadas began in 2017, and the program is currently being implemented in all of Millicom-Tigo operations in Latin America: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá, Colombia, Bolivia and Paraguay.

"Empowering 150,000 women annually since 2018"

Through the Conectadas program, Millicom-Tigo has reached an average of 150,000 women annually since 2018 (158,881 in 2021), teaching them basic online skills and how to use technology to promote their entrepreneurial activities as well as to safely navigate and access a new universe of information and opportunities, which will help them to improve their lives and those of their families and communities. 

Update 28 April 2022

On #GirlsinICTDay Millicom launched the Conectadas virtual platform to provide women and girls with free virtual training and digital skills on the internet, which can help them improve their lives and those of their families and communities.

Contributed by

Mr. Mauricio Ramos

CEO of Millicom & Broadband Commissioner
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